"Racing To Zero" is a quick-moving, upbeat documentary presenting new solutions to the global problem of waste. By simply substituting the word RESOURCE for the word GARBAGE, a culture can be transformed, and a new wealth of industries can emerge.
Three years ago the mayor of San Francisco pledged to achieve zero waste by 2020. "Racing to Zero" tracks San Francisco's waste stream diversion tactics and presents innovative new solutions to waste. This 55-minute film documents a surprising, engaging and inspiring race to zero.
Director Christopher Beaver will talk about the film and answer questions. His most recent work on "Tales of the San Joaquin - A River Journey about California's Central Valley" and "Tulare, The Vanished Lake," reflect his recent focus on water issues and how they affect the environment.
Included: Cookies, snacks, coffee, and beverages served.
Tickets: $10 donation requested. $5 for students. No reservations or advance tickets required.
To view the trailer, please click