The Lafayette Police Department and Crime Prevention Commission (CPC) will hold its second annual Residential Community and Homeowner Security Camera System Town Hall at 7:00pm on April 21, 2015, at the Lafayette Veterans Memorial Center (3780 Mt. Diablo, Lafayette, CA). This is a public meeting and all interested community members are encouraged to attend.
Security cameras are an effective tool to deter and solve crimes. Over the past several years, Lafayette has benefited tangibly from these systems, with home and auto burglary rates falling and increasingly higher solve rates for those crimes that have occurred. The community has done an exceptional job embracing the use of this technology - both from a pooled, neighborhood residential area system approach and from individual homeowner camera use. Combined with the City's camera program, the integration of these strategies are making Lafayette a safer place to live and visit every day.
The goal of this Town Hall is to keep the momentum moving forward by:
-- Describing some real-life Lafayette stories of how our collective camera systems have caught the bad guys
-- Providing useful best practice advice, system options and technology updates
-- Connecting you with commercial vendors and your fellow community neighbors who lead pooled, residential area and homeowner camera systems
-- Answering questions involving any aspect of security camera use -- from privacy issues to working together with the police in the event of an incident
Please join us on April 21st, 2015 and feel free to contact Chief Eric Christensen ( or CPC Chair Cam Burks ( in advance if you have any questions.